Roath Park Primary

Green Creators

Wales/ N. Ireland

60 Pupils Involved
  • Regional Winner 2022

Foundation and Key Stage 1 Eco Projects

This project took the form of some delightful videos, produced by the different year groups from Nursery and Reception to Key Stage One at Roath Park Primary School.

In Nursery, the children learned about rubbish, where it goes and why it's important to reduce it where possible.  Reception learned about plastic pollution.

Year 1 learned about the dinosaurs and extinction, then considered how they could avoid further species becoming extinct.  They linked greenhouse gases emitted from rotting rubbish to climate change and wrote a 'Keep Roath Tidy' song, which they performed to members of the public in their local park.

Year 2 carried out a litter survey of the local area and found out about how long it takes for different items to decompose.