St Swithuns wanted to redevelop their grounds in a green a way as possible. After clearing an area of debris, trees and shrubbery they created and planted four allotment areas. The tree were blocking the light and were not protected – don’t worry, they used the wood to mark the perimeter and planted more suitable fruit trees in their place. They made willow domes and gathered sticks to make insect homes. The older children helped to design and build an outdoor classroom.
The children have really been totally creative in so many ways. They decorated the school grounds with art work that had an environmental theme or were made with reclaimed materials such as buttons, beans and seeds to decorate clay tiles and made woven sunflowers and a wall mural from colourful old plastic bags. They have a beach area with an old boat and decorated pebbles complete with fish made from plastic bottles. Also suncatchers, totem poles made from wood cut-offs and a nature walk. Watch out for the giant minibeasts and willow stag in the woodland area.
Finally after all that hard work they celebrated their achievements with a St Swithun’s day garden party – but they won’t stop there – they have many plans to make their school ground even more eco-friendly next year.