The children of Castle Park Primary looked at how our behaviour can have an impact on the planet. In letters to celebrities they challenged them by asking what they do to reduce their carbon footprints. They reflected on the wisdom of thinkers throughout history before writing their own environmental messages.
In Art they designed their own colourful global footprints with eco images and abstract art. From there students’ went on to learn about renewable energy and carbon footprints, calculating their own and coming up with ideas on how to reduce their energy and water consumption.
To spread the eco message further they performed sock puppet shows, wrote a play and their own eco protest songs, recorded music and made up a dance routine. Thinking about recycling the children made some fantastic peg dolls using bits of old packaging.
Looking further afield, they looked at their wider community and the impact of litter, waste and climate change on the area and at the birdlife on the nearby river Severn and considered the redevelopment of Cardiff Bay. Making sure that everyone was involved, they even surveyed local businesses to see how eco-aware they were. Setting their sites overseas, they thought about issues surrounding protecting the rainforest and as a fundraising project they raised money for Send A Cow to help farmers in Africa.
Students gained a deeper understanding of their local area and its impacts on the environment, recognising good environmental practices and bringing together many aspects of their learning. They realised that eco-issues are not always straight forward.