Pilling St John's CE Primary School and Nursery

Totally Creative


76 Pupils Involved
  • Regional Winner 2016

Brother Eagle, Sister Sky

The children of Pilling St John's CE Primary School have produced some absolutely beautiful creative work, inspired by the Native American culture.  They studied the totem pole and then designed their own school totem pole which represents animals that are important to them - either because they are endangered, because they do an important job or simply to celebrate the diversity of life. Their finished totem pole is fantastic!  The school's Eco Club also made an amazing giant tepee from recycled materials and whilst working on this they learnt about the importance of textile recycling.  

The children looked at the legend of the Talking Feather; this was symbolic in Native American culture and used at Pow Wows to discuss important matters.  They made their own Talking Feather and held conversations about very important issues such as: looking after our hedgerows and ponds; planting trees to create habitats for woodland creatures; finding out where our food has come from; and researching how we can all help to look after our environment.  They also made a lovely dream catcher; in the 'web' they listed some of the environmental challenges we face today and the feathers show their dreams and plans for the future of our planet.

A huge well done to Pilling St John's CE Primary School for their extremely creative and thought provoking project.  Their work is beautifully presented and reflects a huge amount of effort and enjoyment.