Stow Primary School

Totally Clued Up


78 Pupils Involved
  • Regional Winner 2019

100_Disrupters & Bamboo Toothbrush Enterprise

The 100_Disrupters event, held in Stow Town Hall took place on two nights in September 2018 and was so popular that there was standing room only. The children rapped, sang and spoke about their concerns for the future and their aim of persuading their audience to stop using single use plastics.

Meanwhile, to reduce their plastic waste in another way, all of the children have been involved in an enterprise to supply and sell biodegradable plastic toothbrushes to use instead of plastic ones.  They have also been selling their toothbrushes to the Stow community in order to make the project sustainable and each month, a new class takes on responsibility for marketing and selling the toothbrushes.