Perry Hall Primary School

Green Entrepreneurs

South/ Central

14 Pupils Involved
  • Regional Winner 2022

The Welly Gang

Perry Hall's Go Green club is a lunchtime club which is open to all children in years 4 - 6. They are free to choose the projects they would like to focus on, with the assistance and some guidance of the eco lead and a parent volunteer.  The children identified an opportunity to sell second-hand wellies.

The children advertised their scheme with a poster and video (complete with their own "Welly Gang" song!), and were delighted to receive donations of over 30 sets of wellies in the first two weeks alone.  The video can be viewed on the school website.

The children cleaned and sorted the wellies, decided on the prices, and ran a stall during school pick up on two occasions to sell the wellies. They were delighted with the £59.25 raised from the 2 sales so far. With the funds raised the children elected to adopt a Giant Panda from WWF, and to help expand the school garden with new plants and flowers. ​Future plans are to raise money for bee saving stations around school and a welly rack next to our school ducks in forest school.

This will be an ongoing scheme, with donations being continuously accepted, a welly sale every half term.