Argyle Primary is a busy school in the heart of King's Cross, but it has been turned into an urban oasis. It's a place where children can have real experiences that they wouldn't otherwise have. They all have the opportunity to sow, tend, harvest and cook their own produce outside. All around the school, there are cultivated green spaces that are a rich resource for learning, fuel the children's imagination and give them strong roots upon which they can grow into responsible future citizens of a greener planet.
In the last year, the children have had opportunities to:-
- Discover what life was like for early hunter gatherers, foraging for food;
- Find out about the wonderful world of minibeasts;
- Observe and monitor seasonal changes;
- Learn to collaborate and the joys of hard work;
- Investigate seed dispersal and harvest our own seeds;
- Discover where their food comes from;
- Get creative, making conker snakes and bunting printed using plant products or pictures made of found materials;
- Roast apples, use a storm kettle to make nettle tea;
- Learn the skills that Mary Seacole honed as an Apothecary, developing an impressive range of natural medicines;
- Investigate contrasting habitats and get motivated to care for our precious natural resources;
- Let their imagination run wild, discover dragons;
- Learn new survival skills, among many other amazing experiences in their Argyle Adventure!