Shawhead School

Green Entrepreneurs

Scotland & Northern Ireland

17 Pupils Involved
  • Regional Champion 2023

Shore Explorers

The children of Shawhead School, created Shore Explorers as a social enterprise to raise awareness of plastic pollution in the sea and to raise money to support the Marine Conservation Society in their work of  protecting the UK's coastline. The children made wind chimes out of drift wood and shells, as well as from the plastic they found on the beach. The children thought that whilst the plastic wind chimes may not be as beautiful, they would remind people why they were trying to raise money and that they want to clean up their coastline. 

As part of the project they visited local beaches, collecting raw materials, as well as litter picking the shore. Each of the children had their own specific role within the business and they worked with the Social Enterprise Academy who helped them with their planning. 

Shawhead was the only Primary School in Dumfries and Galloway to take part in a Dragon's Den event where they had to pitch their business to a panel of experts.