Turners Hill CE Primary School

Green Researchers

South/ Central

25 Pupils Involved
  • Regional Winner 2023

Tapping Into Tapestry

Turners Hill Primary came up with the highly original idea of trying to make a version of a tapestry using recycled products originated with Year 4 and 5's topic for the term, which was The Victorians. 

The work they produced was long way from the needlework fashioned by young ladies in the Victorian era, but was highly relevant to today!  Although they looked carefully at Victorian tapestries, the children concentrated on using materials that are wasted in our everyday life to make their tapestry for today!  They collected various materials that they thought they could repurpose for their work.  They had to experiment in order to find the best ways of producing their finished work, having many trials to find the best way of using unusual products like crisp packets, fruit nets and old jumpers.  The end result is stunning!